Our tax experts will consult, complete your business taxes, and get you the best outcome

Employees & Self Employed?
If any of the following apply to you, then you are qualified as an Employee and also Self-Employed: You receive forms W2 AND any of the following pertain to you.
- You carry on a trade or business or home business as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor.
- You are a member of a partnership that carries on a trade or business.
- You are otherwise in business for yourself (including a part-time business).
- You receive a 1099 Misc or 1099 k or K1 form.
- You earn $400 or more from self-employment income. However, if your net earnings from self-employment were less than $400, you still have to file an income tax return if you meet any other filing requirements.
Start, prepare, and file your federal and state tax return with confidence. We provide tax guidance for individuals who receive forms W2 and are also small business owners, or independent contractors who receive form 1099 misc, or 1099 k or K1. We provide you with the most personalized guidance for your unique self-employed (i.e. office assistant, carrier, Uber driver, etc) situation. Get all the tax write-off/breaks you deserve – We’ve created more resources to make filing easy for the self-employed, freelancer, contractor. Get income and tax tips all year long.
File your tax return in three easy steps
Prepare and pay for tax preparation with your refund conveniently, securely,
and get fast payment with convenient refund disbursement options
and get fast payment with convenient refund disbursement options

Register online
To access your secure, easy to use Client Portal to conveniently collaborate with us

Upload your documents
Using our easy to use drag and drop feature, or simply take a picture and hit send.

Remotely talk to a tax expert
Via your mobile phone or computer to discuss, sign and file your tax return